'Orphan's Christmas Cheer Fund'...Christmas 1910, Part Two.
Part Two continued on from the previous post on the Orphans' Christmas Cheer Fund in 1910...
In the early 1900s many of the children in Western Australia, Perth and Subiaco, entered competitions and shared aspects of their lives through letters and essays in the 'Children's Pages' run by Uncle Tom and Auntie Nell at the Daily News newspaper.
"...The children became members of the Sunshine League, a charitable organisation initiated by Uncle Tom the original editor of the children's pages at the newspaper. The object of the Sunshine League was "to train children in sets of kindness and love, believing that such sets bring blessings to themselves and others. The motto was "there is nothing greater or more beautiful in all the world than kind deeds and the humblest child can do them." Children wrote to Uncle Tom and Auntie Nell asking to become members and were known as nieces and nephews.
There was no membership fee but those members who wanted to could make a donation or actively raise money for two causes the 'Orphans Christmas Cheer Fund' and the Children's Hospital Cot Fund. Those events were annual features in children's pages. Many children donated money on a regular basis and their names were published in the newspaper. Those adventures of members have been written about in previous blog posts.
In the beginning of 1910 the aim of the Fund was to provide the children in the orphanages with 3 shillings to spend on what they wanted, however this changed to a local picnic and for the orphanages and institutions of buy presents for the children..."
The money from the fund was donated on a regular basis to several institutions and orphanages in Subiaco including St. Joseph's Orphanage, Children's Hospital, Boys and Girls Industrial School.
The articles are from Trove, the database at the National Library of Australia. No copyright infringement.
Daily News, 20 December, 1910.
Although the funds available last week were not sufficient to provide each orphan with three shillings, we sent the principals of the several orphanages cheques equal to this sum. We have adopted this course during the present year, because we are of opinion that the children will fare better than if we held a gigantic picnic for them. The course avoids the cost of transporting the little ones, to the picnic of the picnic, besides which the catering, although cheaply done, has also to include the cost of transport of materials and utensils.
This year the whole of the money will be devoted to extras for the children. The following letter has been sent attached to each cheque: — Dear Sir or Madam, — Herewith please find cheque for being contribution from our Orphans' Christmas Cheer Fund. We desire to point out that this is in no way a donation towards the funds of your institution, but is a gift for the special purpose of providing a day's enjoyment aid % small present for each child at Chrlstmas. We shall be glad if you will delay the acknowledgment of our cheque until after the festivity you may see fit to arrange, and then let us have a short account of It for publication, together with the receipt. The adoption of this course will, we think, help the fund in future years.— Yours , faithfully, THE PROPRIETORS 'DAILY NEWS.'
The following institutions has detailed account showing the of collection and dispersal of funds dealt with by the Sunshine League or the year 1910 will be published as early as possible in the new year.
Daily News, 20 December, 1910.
Convent of Mercy, Victoria Square December 1910.
Dear Sirs, — We know, not how to express our thanks for large and unexpected donation from your 'Orphans' Christmas Cheer Fund'. We cannot refrain from now expressing our gratitude for your kindness to our poor little destitute children they, themselves are simply delighted at the prospect of the treat in store for them. We shall be more than pleased to spend the money in the way you suggest and will later on send an account for publication.
Did everyone concerned in the matter of collecting for the orphans but know how much happiness their charity has caused, and how many grateful hearts there, are on account of it. they would, we are sure, feel amply rewarded. Again thanking you most cordially, and wishing you a very happy Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year on our own behalf and that of the children. We remain, sincerely yours, SISTERS OF MERCY. From S.M.B. For St. Joseph's Orphanage, Subiaco.