Sunday 23 October 2022

Subiaco Stories...Gwendoline Hutton (Trainee Accountant) (1946).

Subiaco Stories...Gwendoline Hutton (Trainee Accountant) (1946).

The article and photo is from Trove, the database at the National Library of Australia. No copyright infringement intended. 

Daily News, 25 October 1946.

Outnumbered by men 263 to one. 

Outnumbered by men 263 to one, Miss Gwendoline Hutton, of 3 Cullen Street, Subiaco, is the only woman reconstruction trainee accountant undergoing full-time training. Fair haired, blue eyed, highly popular in her class of about 22 men, she has reached the stage in her studies where she is ready to sit for her intermediate accountancy examination. 

A prewar clerk with a motor cycle firm, she joined the WAAF at 19, in 1942, trained as a telegraphist, and was stationed, in Melbourne a year, before being posted to Pearce aero drome where she remained till discharged. She said today she decided, on discharge, that the prospects of a successful business career would be improved with training in accountancy. She was found eligible and suitable for training, was soon at work. She expects to be qualified by the end of 1947, and ready to take her place in business. 

Asked if she felt at a disadvantage among so many men she said, 'Among all these male intellects I appear to be holding my own. We all help one another. The men will always rally around a damsel in distress.' She said that she had her share of 'ragging.' When the instructor was conducting a 'quiz' among the students there was always a shout of masculine voices, 'Women first.' 'It is always said that women talk a lot. You ought to hear men at school,' she said.


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